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What is an Ayurvedic Consultation?




“rogamadou parikseta tathonantaram ousadam”


Ayurveda is a holistic complementary health system from India, that considers that you have a unique mind, body, and spiritual constitution or a Dosha. We are all born with a combination of these three doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. However, the percentage and domination of one dosha in our life determine our preferences, choices, appetite, digestion, memory, intellect, and body type.  Regular consultations are done under an Ayurvedic Practitioner.



SLIDING SCALE CONSULTATION  (Available both online or in person)

$10 for students with student ID
$25 for those eligible for free school lunches, low-income, veterans, elderly over 60

(For those who cannot afford this also, please check our monthly free days)


A general Ayurvedicconsultation* may involve discovering your dosha (prakrti, or, your natural constitution) and your vikrti (current deviation), your state of mind (Tamas, or rajas). You may also choose to get an astrological or vastu reading additionally instead of an Ayurvedic consultation. We suggest dietary, herbal, and lifestyle support to address this deviation. If you just want to know your body type, and, want some basic guidelines on how to balance yourself, this is the perfect start. Prakrti and vikrti use two types of feedback:


+Structural Assessment to determine doshas. (Height, weight, the color of eyes, attributes that don't change)

+Functional assessment to determine doshas.-may include behaviors, likes, dislikes, etc.​*

Suggested for mild disorders, digestive support, and general imbalance.





































 Suggested for supporting more chronic issues.  Available both ONLINE or IN PERSON
Comprehensive Ayurveda Consultation and submit your questionnaires, we use the threefold biofeedback techniques used by ancient Ayurvedic healers.  This is the method of  'darshanam ' (observation), sparshanam (Nadi), and prashanam


We do a comprehensive interview and general feedback to determine your prakrti (natural constitution), vikrti (imbalanced doshas), state of dhatus (imbalanced tissues, increased dhatu, decreased dhatu or dhatu contaminated by dosha), agni (digestive fire is high, low, or vitiated) and, mala (elimination).

Alternatively,  the tenfold pariksha may be used, if required. The ten-fold biofeedback includes:


 1 Prakrti (natural constitution, both structural and functional assessment)
2 Vikrti(deviation and imbalance of Prakriti)
3 Sara (State of Tissues)
4 Samhanana (Build and symmetry)
5 Pramana (body measurement)
6 Sattva (state of mind)
6 Satmya (ability to adapt)
7 Ahara Sakti (digestive ability)
8 Vyayama sakti (physical strength and fitness)
9 Vaya (Ayu, Age)


We determine whether there is excessive ama. We determine your sleep patterns-Ayurveda style, your dreams, your spiritual aspirations, and determine what suits your dosha, dhatus (tissues), your Manasa (mind), and your spirit.


If you are looking for a holistic way to balance and support your imbalances, I am available for Ayurvedic nutritional counseling,  Mini (Detox) Panchakarma.  A comprehensive* consultation is suggested for complimenting and supporting women through their monthly cycle, menopause, postpartum, and for those who want some complementary lifestyle changes to support their general well-being.



90 minute Comprehensive Consultation using Marma Evaluation 


 Suggested for supporting musculo-skeletal issues, emotional and chakra blockages where massage and physical treatments may be suggested. This is a comprehensive Marma and Ayurveda investigative consultation that may be required for those with chronic problems or imbalances. I check each marma with tuning forks and my palm to understand where the marma is blocked or overflowing. I then suggest herbs and balancing diet and lifestyle protocols, Ayurvedic oils, and formulas. This is NOT a massage. However, many people report that tuning forks sometimes relieves their symptoms. It can run 90 minutes or more. 
Please arrive 10 minutes early. This appointment is only available IN PERSON. 




Complimentary Student Consultations


ONLINE VIA ZOOM on Thursday evenings or Saturday mornings. Please text to find out the details. 




NEXT Free Ayurveda Day in Gainesville and Alachua is the LAST WEEKEND OF JUNE 2024. Available both o


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Ayurveda and Disorders of Vata



Ayurvedic Medicine may offer some adjunct support for vata imbalances like dry hair, dry skin, constipation, stiff joints, anxiety, and stress. Ayurveda suggests appropriate Ayurveda Yoga, grounding meditation, dosha balancing foods, a daily routine, a seasonal detox program twice a year and, Ayurvedic Herbs.





Ayurveda and  Pitta disorders

Ayurveda may support  Pitta imbalances like skin imbalances like rosacea, pain, inflammation, etc caused due to high heat in the body.

Ayurveda may suggest a cooling pitta pacifying diet, cooling feminine yoga, meditation, and herb counseling. 


Ayurveda and  Kapha disorders


Ayurveda can be adjunct support for  Kapha type Diabetes, Ojas, or Immunity imbalances related to the skin. It can support Kapha imbalances like slow digestion, slow thyroid energy, congestion, sore throat, nasal issues, water retention are caused due to excessive Kapha (phlegm) in the body. Ayurveda suggests warming and drying Kapha pacifying foods, warming and heated feminine yoga, meditation, and herb counseling in Ayurveda can help be adjunct support for  Kapha type sugar imbalances, Ojas, or Immunity imbalances related to the skin like adult acne.



Ayurveda and Women


Ayurveda has wonderful lifestyle routines like meditation,  yoga, chanting, and herbal support for women. Ayurvedic herbs may support Chronic Fatigue, Post Partum Depression, Menopause and Menstrual disorders, hormone-related migraine headaches, menorrhagia, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea. Sometimes, Our school conducts free or donation-based Ayurvedic Women support workshops, with yoga, herbs, and cooking demonstrations online for foods naturally high in phytoestrogens, and, suggested appropriate meditation, yoga, herbs, aromatherapy along with daily routine, and seasonal or monthly detox. Please subscribe to our Instagram @narayana_austin.


Ayurveda for Digestion


Ayurveda is most sought after for supporting imbalances related to gas, flatulence, bloating, GERD, acid reflux, and  Chronic Constipation. Although Ayurvedic herbs like Triphala, or senna tea are easily available in health food stores, taking them without the advice of an Ayurvedic herbalist is not suggested. Triphala needs to be taken in the right amount, with the right foods, at the right time. Senna may end up harming the colon if taken in excess as it is a laxative. Ayurveda consultations may end up doing some education on what kitchen spices to use, how to use them, and try to avoid harsh herbs unless absolutely necessary.


Ayurvedic Herbs


Ayurvedic Oils, and,  beeswax formulations line the shelf of health-food stores, yoga studios. However, what is good for your dosha? Should we use mahanarayana tailam for supporting our stiff joints, or, should we get sesame oil. S Appropriate use of actual Ayurvedic oils for daily self abhyanga, along with the proper dosha diet can help support Joint and Muscular Pain, osteoarthritis, Arthritis


Ayurveda and Hair


Ayurveda may support hair imbalances if not caused by a medical condition. Ayurveda support premature graying of hair, or, thinning Hair, Ayurveda suggests regular oiling of hair to nourish them. Even oily hair should be given nourishment by a cooling oil base of coconut.  It is best to take or use these herbs under a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.


Please contact me by the contact form. Feel free to call me, however, I teach most days, and, if I am with a client I may not return your call immediately.


Book Appointment now


*Disclaimer: Please note that these statements are not verified by the FDA. Ayurveda is a complimentary health system and Ayurveda practitioners and their consultations are not intended for the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. If you have any health concerns, please consult a physician, who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively.


**Ayurveda Doctor level membership with National Ayurvedic Medical Association.








These forms can be downloaded and filled and should be submitted before the appointment. (if online) For in-person, please fill them and bring them with you. (At this time due to the pandemic there are no in-person appointments. All appointments are being conducted online. )


Booked a consultation with Monica! I was able to learn about how the food that I eat and it's direct effect on me and my health. We cooked a little, this is what I needed, to see and taste the foods that I need to eat! The valuable feedback and guidance that I received from Monica was just what I needed to receive. What an opportunity it is, to consult with Monica and to absorb, even the most basic truths about how food is my first medicine.- Sheva from Austin. (A Facebook review)

  • Private Ayurveda and Lifestyle Counseling

  • Private Horocope consultCoaching

  • Seminars & Workshops on Ayurvedic Cooking and Meditation

  • Ayurveda Bodywork

  • Panchakarma Detox

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