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Vedic Ayurveda Women's Coach 

Pre-requisites- High School Diploma & Level 1 completion
Level 2- Course

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Vedic Ayurveda women specialization of coaching a woman through a spiritual lens through their moon cycle, menstrual period, menopausal and postnatal time by offering ancient Ayurvedic wisdom from our Vedic texts. You learn s o m e plant-based Ayurvedic recipes and spices, daily and seasonal routine lifestyle choices in the PMS, moon cycle, and postpartum time for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha women.

Though we will touch on pregnancy in Vedic texts and Ayurveda, the focus will be only guiding the women through the pregnancy using Vedic rituals, mantras, plant based meal planning, meditation and offerings to the Goddess Earth. 


 This is NOT a doula program though it will be a good addition of knowledge to doulas. This is a vedic ayurvedic program to counsel woman through different transitions in their life using Ayurveda, basic herbs, meditation, mantras and meal planning.

This course builds on the level 1 Ayurveda Lifestyle Coach.


This is a holistic program based on foundational Ayurvedic principles and Hindu Vedic rituals and beliefs for women in different phases of their life . Modifications in lifestyle and routine can have a profound positive impact on the mind, body, and spirit.   Student will  gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of the philosophy, principles, theory, of Ayurveda, Vedic cooking and Nutrition and basic breathing and yoga theory for balance. Students will be offered 25 hours of mentorship with 5 client observations and 5 independent client encounters. 


  • Conduct Dosha tests, determine prakrti or basic constitution (Mind-body), agni  pariksha, moon cycle assessment, Vata/pitta or kapha women test for 20 clients 

  • Support your female clients in their daily routine (Dinacharya) and during their 28-day moon cycle.  Basic doshic diet as well as nightly routine (ratricarya) within the waxing and waning of the moon.

  • Offer basic Ayurvedic lifestyle consultations to your female clients by assisting them in harmonizing mind-body-spirit during different phases of the moon and moon cycle.

  • Support your female clients with basic herbs, spice mixes, and some  recipes in different cycles of life.

  • Educate  female client on lifestyle modifications based on Ayurvedic and Vedic Rituals that bring balance

  • Offer some basic chakra, marma balancing using  mantras, crystals and/or tuning fork. 

                        COURSE   INFORMATION

Required Texts-
Ayurveda and the Feminine, Monica B Groover
Essential Guide to Ayurveda- A textbook for Ayurveda Counselors 

Online Cost- $990 (Discount offered if paid in advance)
             *Cost excludes ebooks, books, course materials or onsite training.
Time- 3-4 months (when joining after completing Level 1)

Total Time- 6 months apx.


Online with some optional in-person classes/practicum 

In-person mentorship in Gainesville Florida (optional)

Start Date- Jan 2025-  June 2025

Note: We need at least 6 people to sign up to offer in-person
classes at Gainesville Florida. However, the sliding scale center is open for private mentorship on a case-to-case basis. In-person training starts from $20 per hour. 

Module 4

VAC103 Tridoshas, Dhatus & Mala 

Student will be able to list the three doshas, location of sub doshas,their function and their importance. Student shall understand Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas-functional and structural differences and will be able to use this to fill a dosha assessment form for different demographic and age group of biological women and of women gender.


Lesson 1 Introduction to Doshas, Dhatus, Malas and Srotas in women
Lesson 2 Location, Function of 5 sub doshas of vata, Pitta and Kapha
Lesson 3 Different Types of Prakrti and Vikrti and its gunas in different genders and demographics
Lesson 4 Threefold Biofeedback- Darshanam, Sparshanam,Prashanam
Lesson 5 Malas and 3 types of Ama; manifestation, aggravation andsupport
Lesson 6 Hetus (Causative Factors) reasons for imbalances-Improper use of Indriya, Urges, Age and Seasons
Lesson 7 Ayurveda and Women-Teenage, Menstrual Cycle, PMS,and moon cycle
Lesson 8 Vedic Healing and self-support therapies for women
Lesson 9 Vedic Prenatal motherhood
Lesson 10 Vedic Ayurvedic Postnatal plans


Tuition Link and Breakdown

Application fees- $25 (payable separately)
Electronic Materials- $100 (payable separately)
Tuition Fees- $865 if paid by four installments of $216 and 25 cents.Or $775 if paid if paid in advance (a $90 discount)
Total- $900 if paid in advance OR $990 if paid by installments.

Note: If you would like to attend an in-person workshop or mentorship, the cost is extra and not included in the above tuition. The student also need to pay for their travel, and lodging when traveling to attend our onsite workshop.

Module 5

Vedic Psychology & the Ayurvedic Mind 

Synopsis: Students shall be able to understand the philosophical concept of mind, consciousness, and soul the seven chakras and five layers called five koshas.

Student shall be able to assess the prakrti 
of the mind-situated in Sattva, Tamas and Rajas all across the board and understand the special significance it has for the different genders as well as biological women.

Lesson 1 Introduction to Ayurveda’s perspective on Manasa
Lesson 2 Location, Function of manas and manohava srotas
Lesson 3 Soul or atma Consciousness-in living beings and different genders as related in Vedic scriptures
Lesson 4 Manasa Prakrti-Sattva, Rajas, and Tamasa
Lesson 5 Doshas and the Mind
Lesson 6- Meditation and its benefits. Application of meditation support with those on Hrt, postpartum, or prenatal. 
Lesson 7- textual study, Ayurvedic, spiritual or psychological counseling
Lesson 8- chanting, imagery, prayer, and ritual to meet the needs of different genders.
Lesson 9 Seven Chakras and Prana Koshas 

Lesson 9 Interview and meditation techniques
Lesson 10 Herbs and Pranayama support for mental health support from Vedic perspective
Lesson 11 
Routines, and basic yoga for supporting mental health in different genders. 




**Lab/practicum-  Introductory Vedic Marma Energywork for women 
** Vedic herb Lab for women - Part 1 teas, spice mixes+infusions, topical herbs, nasya and body oils
** Vedic Rituals for women in different phases
10 client encounters mentorship

Mantra, Meditation Lab
Create rituals for support
Herbs for mental health Support
Mentorship - Create Individualized Dosha Tests, Create 3 Daily and 3 Seasonal Routine with two clients 



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