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*Our school is a candidate for accreditation from the Ayurveda Accreditation Commission and graduates of Vedic Ayurveda Counselor 600 hours course with "in-person" mentorship qualify to sit on the National Board Exam for Ayurveda.

Our courses are divided into THREE LEVELS. 


Level 1    150 Hours and Vedic Ayurveda Lifestyle Coach.  $990* ($900 if paid in advance)

Level 2   300 Hours Vedic Ayurveda Womens Coach $990  ($900 if paid in advance)

Level 3 

Track A- 450 Hours Vedic Herbalist $990
($900 if paid in advance)

Track B- 600 Hours Vedic Ayurveda Counselor ($900 for ONLINE only if paid in advance. $1400 for Hybrid- with in person mentorship)

Must complete level 1 to begin level 2. Must complete level 2 and start either Track A or Track B.

Add Ons
*Add on an onsite mentorship from $10* onwards (Onsite Mentorship at our sliding scale pop-up Ayurveda Center  or in-person practicums and labs - $10- $20 per hour)

NOTE- 10% discount if tuition is paid in advance

Teachings from ancient Ayurvedic classical texts declare that balance comes from syncing our mind, body, and spirit to nature during the cycles of the sun, moon, and change of seasons (dinacharya, ratricharya, and ritucharya ).  In today's fast world, many of us face imbalances due to sedentary lifestyles and excessive screen time, straying from a balanced lifestyle that honors our unique Dosha. The course's mission is to guide you with basic tools for coaching to help your client promote holistic well-being through lifestyle and dosha pacifying dietary modifications. 

In this course,  we explore the profound teachings of lifestyle and dosha balancing from classical Ayurvedic texts. Discover how syncing your mind, body, and nature can restore balance amidst modern challenges. Our holistic program provides knowledge of Ayurvedic principles, including Vedic cooking, nutrition, and yoga theory. With 25 hours of online  mentorship, client observations, and independent encounters, you’ll be equipped to make impactful lifestyle changes for a harmonious existence.


LEVEL 3 Track B  Jan 2025, Aug 2025
Vedic Herbalist 450 Hours

Welcome to our Vedic Herbalist course based on Shrangadhara Samhita and  Bhava Prakasha Nighantu, ancient Ayurvedic texts (called Laghu Trayi). Using the texts as the foundation, we will delve into learning how the ancient Vedic texts classified food, herbs and spices.  The course will explore the energetics of herbs and we will be creating basic herbal remedies like  churnams, teas, salves, Ayurvedic jams, and oils. Additionally, you'll discover how to enhance their efficacy through rituals, alchemy, and mindful sourcing. Join us on this enlightening journey into the wisdom of Ayurveda!

Medicinal Herbs

Moon Cycle ( the "period") Workshop

In these 2 hours  you will learn about the vedic and  Ayurvedic perspective of the monthly menstrual cycle, the vata, pitta and kapha phases of our 28 days. We will create a seed packet of herbs to balance the ups and downs of the menstrual period.  We will create a tea to balance our cycle. Discover whether your moon cycle is governed by Vata, Pitta or Kapha and what vedic and manas rituals can support you.-  $20 on zoom
First Sunday of October 10 AM Eastern Please DM at Instagram @narayana.ayurveda
f interested. Thank you.

Hot Water Bottle

Do you want to learn VEDIC FACE READING? I started learning face reading from my internationally renowned father and famous Jyotishi (vedic astrologer) Swamy Raj Baldev. I also learnt Ayurvedic Face reading in my studies. If you are interested in a 2 hour Webinar on Vedic Face Reading, it will be fun, and informative and you will learn some Ayurvedic Face Reading Hacks. $20 for 2 hours.
Oct 12, Saturday at 9 AM Pacific, 11 AM Central, 12 Noon Eastern. Please DM at Instagram @narayana.ayurveda if interested. Thank you.

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Plant Based Holiday Cooking

Plant-Based Holiday Cooking

Watch us create some Holiday Classics- vegetarian pie, vegan roast with mushrooms, vegetables, and mung beans entree and gheegan (vegan ghee) -Plant-based, or lacto vegetarian (Gheegan). By donation. Also available online.

December 13, at Gainesville Florida. Address will be shared privately.

Please DM on Instagram @narayana.ayurveda if interested. Thank you.

Cooking with friends

Vedic Ayurveda Women's Specialization program, designed to guide women through their unique life transitions with ancient wisdom. Through the lens of Ayurveda, we explore the moon cycle, menstrual periods, menopausal changes, and postnatal care, offering plant-based recipes daily routines, and lifestyle choices tailored for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha women. While we touch on pregnancy, our focus is on empowering women with Vedic rituals, mantras, and meal planning to honor their journey. This holistic program is a perfect complement to your existing knowledge as an Ayurveda Lifestyle Coach and offers invaluable insights for those supporting women during these profound changes.
Delivery- Online with optional onsite mentorship
Total Time- 6 months apx.
This course requires you to finish Level 1 Vedic Ayurveda Lifestyle coach 150 hours. The 300 hours include the Level 1

ayurvedic consultation with women in a temple_edited.jpg

LEVEL 3 (Track A)  January 2025, Aug 2025
Vedic Ayurveda Counselor 600 Hours

The Vedic  Ayurveda Counselor program starts after the student has finished the first two levels and have already some basic knowledge of Ayurveda doshas, lifestyle, and dietary principles. This course now begins to engage with concepts underlined in ancient texts of Caraka Samhita and Susruta Samhita. The student learns about marma, nadi, herbs in the context of vedic counseling. The focus always remains to understand the ancient principles and apply them in the modern world through a comprehensive approach that encompasses mind, body, and spirit. The curriculum includes opportunities for direct observation of seasoned Ayurvedic practitioners, both virtually or hybrid * , providing an invaluable educational experience. This program is recognized by the Ayurveda Accreditation Commission, positioning you to enhance your knowledge of holistic wellness
(in-person mentorship onsite and virtual combination)
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Sanskrit - Mantras

Basic Sanskrit class  on how to enunciate mantras from Bhagavad Gita, as well as some Ayurveda relevant verses.

Focus of the class is NOT written or reading Sanskrit, however the enunciation and singing of chandas (verses). FREE on zoom
September 24 2024 6 PM Eastern
Please DM at Instagram @narayana.ayurveda
f interested. Thank you.

Image by Rohan Solankurkar

A nadi is a channel that carries energy, or prana, through the body.  If you are interested in learning  VEDIC NADI READING based on Narayana System of Nadi pioneered by my teachers.  We will use Narayana Nadi system employs the index, middle, and ring fingers for nadi to read the the energies in our chakras and marmas of head, eyes, throat, heart, and stomach.  And we will do this online. 
SUNDAY on ZOOM DEC 1  9 AM Pacific, 11 AM Central, 12 Noon Eastern. Please DM at Instagram @narayana.ayurveda if interested. Thank you.



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