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Narayana Institute is a religious college that offers accredited Ayurveda classes & other Vedic classes both online and in person. We also operate a Sliding Scale Ayurvedic Wellness Center for women (all ages) and elderly (above 60 years) in Gainesville, & Alachua offering low cost herbs and monthly free events. Our online classes and Ayurveda courses are affordable, flexible, and designed for busy individuals. Read More
Group Meditation Class from $15.
Subscribe for Free Meditation and Kirtan Chanting once a month. Classes will be posted on the website. All yoga privates are followed by customized meditation plan for you.
Our private Meditation Program has been designed by Ayurvedic Practitioner - Monica Bhatia Groover, PhD, who is the founder of San Diego College of Ayurveda. (Spiritual name: Manjulali), and, Pandit Atul Krishna Das.
Pandit Atul Krishna Das and Dr Monica B Groover, a.k.a Manjulali studied different meditation techniques under their spiritual master(s) for many years. Pandit Atul Krishna was teaching meditation and giving spiritual and Vedanta classes in the ashram for many years.
Manjulali under her first spiritual guide and her father from a young age. At 22, she joined a Gaudiya Monastery and learnt many meditation techniques.
Being an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Manjulali understood that all meditation is not created equal. If we are all unique, then meditation must be customized to our body and mind -- rather than the other way around.
Manju has developed a 5 STEP Meditation program that has helped and benefited people who suffered from Insmonia, Stress, Chronic Fatigue syndrome, Hot flashes, Headaches, Emotional Trauma, Childhood Issues, Inability to form intimate relationships. Please note that this is a spiritual program, and, NOT, a psychological and scientific program. None of these claims are recognized by FDA.
It is a spiritual meditation technique combining Yoga Breathing, Ayurveda, Mantras, Visualization Tools and Chanting.
Emotional Issues and Stress.
We start off with breathing techniques, studying different meditation techniques, different personalities--Vata, Pitta and Kapha all have different affinities to different meditations--aromatherapy and setting an environment. Mantras, as well as a a guided script. Focus is also on personal meditation practice for your own mindset, and body and mind type.
The Five Steps are
1. Setting the stage
2. Intention and Pranayama (Breathing prior to Meditation)
3. Guided Meditation:
4. Use of Five Senses and Five Elements: Nose
5. Mantra and KIRTAN Meditation
1. Setting the stage. We start off by setting the stage, or environment to facilitate meditation. This is done externally by creating an altar outside with use of principles of Vastu. Internally, we set up an altar in our mind by first determining your 'mind' type, your mantra and your diety, as well as your crystals and best aromatherapy for you.
2. Intention and Pranayama (Breathing prior to Meditation)in Bhagavad Gita: We set the INTENTION of the program, and, study the use of breathing and meditation in Bhagavad Gita. Using our breath and prana as a tool to control our manasa. We also decide the use of meditation tools that will help your 'mind' type. (Visualization, Music, Mantras, Guided Voice etc.)
We teach you a number of breathing exercises, suited specifically to your dosha. Shitali breath, Kriyas, Alternate Breathing, and bringing your mind and body through the simple tools of Pranayama are taught. Focus is on Shitali breathing, breathing awareness, and,
3. Guided Meditation: We expect you to listen to different guided meditation and maintain a journal of the effect, or lack of it had on you. We also lead you through a guided meditation
4. Use of Five Senses and Five Elements: Nose- Use of Breath, Hands- Powerful Mudras, Use of Earth element, water element, air element, fire element and space element through Crystals, holy water, Incense, diya (candle made of ghee) and bells
5. Mantra and KIRTAN Meditation: Use of Breath, Powerful Yoga Mudras and Mantras with intent to clear the mental 'ama', give clarity, focus, and help achieve the goals set in the beginning of the program.
We ALSO CONDUCT A KARMA CLEANSE "HOMA" at times to help rid of previous Karma.
Cost: $15 per class