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Onsite workshop

*Our school is a candidate for accreditation from the Ayurveda Accreditation Commission and graduates of Vedic Ayurveda Counselor 600 hours course can sit in the National Board Exam for Ayurveda.

  In person classes qualifies the graduate to take the NAMA ( National Ayurvedic Medical Association) exam. Our courses are divided into THREE LEVELS. 


Level 1  is 150 Hours and Ayurveda Lifestyle Counselor.  $990

Level 2 is 300 Hours Ayurveda Womens Coach $990

Level 3 -student can choose Track A or Track B

Track A- Vedic Ayurveda Counselor 600 Hours
$990 (online)  $1400 (hybrid-in person mentorship 40 hours)

Track B- Vedic Herbalist 450 Hours $990 (online and/or hybrid)
(Each level builds on the other, Each level is between 3-5 months)

Auditing classes without certificate - starting from $6-$10 (zoom)
Mentorship at our sliding scale pop up Ayurveda Center  or in person practicums and labs - $20 per hour 

Application fees- $25 per level.  Books, Ebooks and materials not included in tuition. 5% discount if paid in advance. 

Do you want to practice Ayurveda and help your community without taking the commitment of year or studying and avoiding the cost.  Or you simply want to dip your toes in the waters of Ayurveda as a basic holistic coach then this course is for you. After 3-4 months of this course, you'd be able to 

  • Conduct Dosha tests, determine prakrti or basic constitution (Mind-body) and basic agni test

  • Support your clients in daily routine (Dinacharya) and Basic doshic diet as well as nightly routine (ratricarya) 

  • Offer basic Ayurvedic lifestyle consultations  by assisting your clients in harmonizing mind-body-spirit

  • Offer some basic recipe guidance to your clients.

  • Educate on Ayurvedic principles


LEVEL 3 Track B  Jan 2025
Vedic Herbalist 450 Hours

Pre Requisites- Level 1 Vedic Ayurveda Lifestyle Coach

Medicinal Herbs

Moon Cycle ( the "period") Workshop

In these 2 hours  you will learn about the vedic and  Ayurvedic perspective of the monthly menstrual cycle, the vata, pitta and kapha phases of our 28 days. We will create a seed packet of herbs to balance the ups and downs of the menstrual period.  We will create a tea to balance our cycle. Discover whether your moon cycle is governed by Vata, Pitta or Kapha and what vedic and manas rituals can support you.-  $20 on zoom
First Sunday of October 10 AM Eastern

Hot Water Bottle

This course is  for women is meant for those who want to support themselves or their community sisters in various stages of their life- whether pregnant,   postpartum, or menopausal using Vedic mantras, empowered herbs, and ancient diet principles sources from Ayurveda and other Vedic traditions. You will learn to create  basic herbal formulas, basic vegetarian recipes for  different Doshas. You will learn about cycles in Ayurveda for women -the moon cycle,  pregnancy & perimenopause. In addition, you will learn some basic rituals, prayers, and foundational principles  of Ayurveda. 
Delivery- Online and/or Hybrid  
Total Time- 6 months apx.

This course requires you to finish Level 1 Vedic Ayurveda Lifestyle coach 150 hours. The 300 hours include the level 1)

ayurvedic consultation with women in a temple_edited.jpg

LEVEL 3 (Track A)  January 2025
Vedic Ayurveda Counselor 600 Hours

Vedic Counselor of Ayurveda studies Ayurvedic Counseling from a spiritual perspective. The curriculum is based on ancient Ayurvedic texts like Caraka Samhita, Astanga Hrdyam, Susruta Samhita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Garuda Samhita. The Counselor also studies Vedic cooking using principles of Ayurveda and Vedic herbalism as well as daily routine, seasonal routine, rituals as well as meditation techniques. The Counselor observes a vedic practitioner of Ayurveda with clients either on zoom or in person. This course takes 13 months to complete. Recognized by Ayurveda Accreditation Commission.


Sanskrit - Mantras

Basic Sanskrit class  on how to enunciate mantras from Bhagavad Gita, as well as some Ayurveda relevant verses.

Focus of the class is NOT written or reading Sanskrit, however the enunciation and singing of chandas (verses). FREE on zoom
September 24 2024 6 PM Eastern

Image by Rohan Solankurkar
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